Georgia Alternate Assessment 2.0
About The GAA Assessment:
As stated on the Georgia Department of Education's website the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA 2.0) is a key component of the Georgia Student Assessment Program. Under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), states must ensure that all students, including students with significant cognitive disabilities, have access to a general curriculum that encompasses challenging academic standards. States must also ensure that all students are assessed for their progress toward meeting academic standards.
The GAA is an IEP-based assessment that reports progress toward achievement of targeted goals for each student. Students who are eligible for the GAA are those who are currently participating in an alternate curriculum and who are not participating in any of the state-mandated assessments. IEP teams for GAA students identify five curriculum domains, one of which must be communication, and a targeted goal for each domain. As the IEP is implemented, student achievement is noted. At the end of the implementation period, student progress is converted to a rating level (initial, emerging, progressing, or functional) for each domain reported.
Testing Dates:
Click here to view testing dates for the current school year.