Preparing for the Assessments

Your student will be evaluated in four areas to determine eligibility for gifted services.


These areas are:

Mental Ability





Students will not need to study any specific material for these assessments. It is based on what they currently know and can do in an educational setting, as well as, their interests and extra curricular activities. 


Achievement is assessed using the MAP assessment, the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) or the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT10).

Motivation  is assessed, in elementary school, using the Gifted Evaluation Scale. 

Motivation  is assessed, in middle school and high school, using the student's grade point average, over the last two years.


Mental Ability is assessed using one of the instruments approved by the state of Georgia. Our district uses the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT).


Creativity is assessed using the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT).  


One thing, that we have noticed is that students need to be aware of a ten minute time frame. The majority of our assessments are given in segments that are ten minutes long. 

  • Younger students, who have not learned to tell time, often have more difficulty understanding how long or how short ten minutes can seem.  We suggest working with a timer set to ten minutes while working on other tasks. This helps students be more aware of how much or how little they can complete in ten minutes.