Active Substitutes
These resources are for our current substitutes. If you have a suggestion for more helpful content, please email
For potential substitutes, please refer to the substitute applicant page for information regarding the application process and our requirements for substitute teachers.
Getting Started
You have attended our orientation session, and completed the training. Now what?
Check your email for two imperative notifications:
- The main "welcome" email from Joy Card, providing your employee ID number, pay rate, and other pertinent information.
- An email directly from Frontline/Absence Management, containing a link to create your username and password for access to the system.

New Substitutes - Take a tour of the dashboard and job listings page
Substitute Online Systems
Click here to log into your personal Absence Management account. If you are experiencing difficulties with login procedures, please try the password reset/forgot password option within Frontline. For persistent issues, you can email
Please ensure that your contact information is current within the Absence Management system. For any changes, notify Joy Card.
NOTE: ESS login credentials are different from your Absence Management sign in!
Access your paystubs, tax withholding and W2 information through Employee Self Service.
Substitutes will follow the 2nd set of instructions ("For all part-time/rated employees") on the initial login screen.
If you need documents prior to October, 2016, visit eforms.
Please note that after your first time logging in, you will be prompted to reset your password. Please document your new password for future reference. If your ESS login information needs to be reset, please contact the HR department at (478) 988-6138 or (478) 988-6244 for assistance.
To update personal information, such as your address and telephone number, sign on to ESS. However, this will NOT update your contact information for Absence Management, so you should follow the instructions for that system.
Be sure to add your emergency contact information to ESS as soon as possible.
FOR NEW SUBSTITUTES: The ESS account does not “populate” until you actually receive a paycheck. That system is directly tied to our payroll system, so until your first paycheck is generated, your ESS account essentially does not exist.
First, refer to the Payroll Schedule (found in the Related Documents box on the right side of this page) to ensure that the days in question are to be paid in the current paycheck. For example, most of the days worked in September will not be paid until the Oct 31 paycheck.
However, if you notice an error in your assignments, please contact the school for clarification. If they cannot help in a timely manner, contact Joy Card in HR for assistance.
You can either:
1. Come by HR anytime between 8-4:15 and ask for a replacement. The cost is $5 (cash only); but there is no cost if you turn in your old badge (in the case of a broken or faded badge).
2. Ask the front office at the school for a Badge Replacement form. They can send the completed form, along with $5 (or the damaged badge) to Melissa Shipp in HR. You should include a note to Melissa with instructions for the school location to which you want your badge sent.
(Option #2 can take 1-2 weeks.)